Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Surgery Update on Rikee

Rikee's surgery went on with some success. She had this spot removed from her cornea but it was a little deeper than expected. Therefore, she will have a little bit still there. I was told that is should not return to what it was before the surgery. My little Doggie looks so miserable....she has this contact len's bandage in and part of her eye lid has been stitched shut so that the lens will stay put. She has drops and ointment to put in the eye 3 times a day. She is wearing this collar which she absolutely hates, but has to at least wear it for 10 days. We will see how she is doing with the recheck in 10 days.

I don't know how much more my puppy can take in her life, diabetes with 9 units of Vetsulin 2 times a day, ointment for her eye for the rest of her life....I sit everyday thinking of the expense to do this and you know what- I may have to find the right job so that is works with her schedule and keep her in the meds she needs but it will be worth it.

Now this may have nothing to do with "Surgery Update" but I wanted to share this..........

Last night I was able to witness the birth of a fawn deer right out the front window, with the help of my binoculars. The horses were looking across the dirt road towards the woods. When I looked I didn't see the deer at first and then she came out. She walked just short of the ditch by the road and laid down. I finally went outside so I wasn't looking through the window and noticed she stood up, then laid down again. A truck went south on the road and she remained right where she was. After a while I could see a very small white flag of the tail. OH MY she gave birth right there. How neat was that!! As I watched another vehicle drove by and she jumped up and went into the woods. I figured she wouldn't have gone far but then I saw it! A little wobbly brown blob through my binocs. as I watched the baby take it's first steps I had to laugh because it would wobble, fall down, try to get up and do it all over again. Too funny! Momma deer finally came out and went right to the baby, displayed very odd behavior with some sort of protection moves and she then went down into the ditch. I still could see her back and then she made her move back up from the ditch. Baby pulling up the rear. She laid back down and continued licking it. She jumped up once more and laid back down again. Now I know she at least had one fawn but do not know if she is a Momma to twinkies. I kept watching until it got dark and I couldn't see anymore.
So today I took off on the 4-wheeler to the spot and found the tall grass laying down where she bed down. She sure cleaned the baby up very well because there were no signs of the usual things you would see when animals give birth.

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About Me

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My husband and I live in Fifty Lakes, MN. We own 2 horses, 4 dogs and 2 cats. We LOVE the Up North, Country Farm Life. Wouldn't trade it for anything.

Feb. 14th 2007

Feb. 14th 2007
Happy Valentine's Day!

February Quote

To often we under estimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around

Getting Bigger

Getting Bigger

Number of Vistors to Our Site


Quote for Today

To be interested in the changing seasons is a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with Spring.

Brrrrr....is Right! Jan. 12th 2007

Brrrrr....is Right! Jan. 12th  2007
I hate this cold and I am SO ready for the warm weather.

New Year"s Resolution

My New Year's Resolution is NOT to make one.

MN Appleton"s Lord Rylee

MN Appleton"s Lord Rylee
Our new baby to the household.....Miniature Pinscher, named Rylee

Quote of the Day...Nov 25th "06

Look back on our struggle for freedom, trace our present day's strength to it's source; And you'll find that man's pathway to glory is strewn with the bones of a horse.

You might be a redneck if......

You consider fast food hitting a deer at 65 MPH



Reeba and Rikee

Reeba and Rikee
Where is that Squirrel??

Quote of the Day

Without leaps of imagination, or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning.
