Saturday, September 22, 2007

Our Move....continued

The Landlord saga continues. The more we had issues with Charles the more I started to get upset. I was looking under the Renter-Landlord Rights and Responsibilities under the State of Minnesota. I sent him the site to see for himself he needed to take care of his own properties. I said it was the law. Know what he told me! He doesn't do everything by law and working things out is his way with communication. He liked having 'cordial' relationships with his tenants. He felt he needed to know what you doing, where you were and to check in with him .. he says at least once a month. Or he would make calls to you and get upset because he couldn't talk to you or return his call. To me that is not the way a landlord should have a relationship with his tenants.

After the winter, as rough as it was, finally left our grips. Then the talk was on about putting a new place in. He kept telling us he was going to make trip to Minnesota and discuss options. He kept sending us different ideas and sites to check out to see what we liked. So about April something happened. First he kept whining about what one of his other tenants was doing to him and he kept telling us that he was going to evict her. To what does that have to do with us and frankly it was none of our business. Anyway end of April came and he was asking for that increase back on the rent..he says it was a discount for heating. HA! We reminded him of the letter we have granting the reduction because of the dump we were living in not just for the heating costs. THEN he starting assuming that if he were to put something else in there we may not be able to afford the rent. The next thing he suggested we terminate our lease. MY GOD! What did we do to deserve this?? I asked him and you know what...he never answered. He just wondered if he were to put something in...can we afford it. We told him we could. Then he was wondering why we weren't giving him the increase and suggested an eviction. Again what the hell did we do? Finally we had enough and turned in a notice to vacate September 1st.

Before we moved there were a couple of things I wanted to do. I called the County of Cass and let them know that he had this black water spilling from the kitchen on to the lawn and had the water tested because the people who lived there before us...built a pit and dumped all kinds of metal, appliances and junk along with gallons and gallons of gear oil in and lit it on fire. The pit...about 200 yards from the shallow well that supplies the house with water. Then I wanted to know what he paid for property Taxes because usually tenants receive a Certificate of Rent Paid so they can claim a refund. He screwed us there. I called the State Revenue Office and told them he said he didn't have to fill one out. They said we would have to have a Rent Paid Affidavit from him. Okay but here is the good one. Charles Chernack claims he didn't fill out anything and when we received the Affidavit he had put down there that $880.00 was the renters share of property taxes and that amount was entered on a certain line of your tax forms. When I had it figured the first time we were looking at getting back a refund. After that sheet came the refund went out the window. I called the County to find out that his property taxes weren't even $200.00 for the year.

As we were packing we happened to notice that Charles put an ad in the paper.."HORSE RANCH for rent, yada yada. With a mobile home on it. $500.00 per month. We both just looked at each other and shook our heads. WHAT AN ASS! Then I decided to get on his website and see what he had to say about that. It said horse ranch for rent, has a mobile home on it but it wasn't fit to live in. He kept going and said that if you were interested in renting you would have to bring in your own house or shelter. The rent amount...$500.00 per month.

There were phone calls about the place and few visits and of course we told them EVERYTHING from what was wrong with the place to what an ass Charles Chernack was. He ended up renting to someone. The kicker is that they are paying $500.00 a month and Charles GAVE yes, I said GAVE them the house. We have decided that we are taking Charles to court and try to get our rent back. As far as we are concerned he owes us $7500.00 and that is not including the utilities. We even tried to see if he would settle without going to court...he wouldn't. So off to court it will go. The funny thing about this is Charles wants us to tell the court when the hearing should take place. He even said that if a summons comes that it should go to his property, the one we just moved from, to his tenant and then the tenant email him when it gets there. Oh and then he would give dates when he leaves the country and said he can't come to court around those dates. He wanted us to tell the courts to schedule around his schedule. What a laugh!

Anyone who reads this...Comments???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Terri, could you please give me your msn if you use msn I really need to talk to you about this guy. I know him. Please...

About Me

My photo
My husband and I live in Fifty Lakes, MN. We own 2 horses, 4 dogs and 2 cats. We LOVE the Up North, Country Farm Life. Wouldn't trade it for anything.

Feb. 14th 2007

Feb. 14th 2007
Happy Valentine's Day!

February Quote

To often we under estimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around

Getting Bigger

Getting Bigger

Number of Vistors to Our Site


Quote for Today

To be interested in the changing seasons is a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with Spring. Right! Jan. 12th 2007 Right! Jan. 12th  2007
I hate this cold and I am SO ready for the warm weather.

New Year"s Resolution

My New Year's Resolution is NOT to make one.

MN Appleton"s Lord Rylee

MN Appleton"s Lord Rylee
Our new baby to the household.....Miniature Pinscher, named Rylee

Quote of the Day...Nov 25th "06

Look back on our struggle for freedom, trace our present day's strength to it's source; And you'll find that man's pathway to glory is strewn with the bones of a horse.

You might be a redneck if......

You consider fast food hitting a deer at 65 MPH



Reeba and Rikee

Reeba and Rikee
Where is that Squirrel??

Quote of the Day

Without leaps of imagination, or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning.
