Monday, November 19, 2007

You Know You Are A Horse Person When......

...You say "whoa" to the dog

...Your mother, who has no grandchildren, gets cards addressed
to Grandma, signed by the horses and the dog.

...You don't even want to think about how your car would be
paid for, your mortage would be much smaller, and you might have some
savings if you didn't have horses.

...Your horse seems the right choice when you need to talk something
out with someone.

...You pull change from your pocket at work, and hay falls all over

...The real estate agent asks what kind of house you are looking for, and
you say, "More than six acres." save the hoof shavings for the dog poke your honey in the ribs, saying, "over", in the kitchen yell at the kids, and the horse's name pops out

...your tax refund is targetted to a new saddle, not the family vacation are unreasonably pleased to get a horse item, ANY horse item, as a
gift. "They really cared!!!"

...books and movies are ruined for you if horsemanship references are
incorrect. actually get to a point where flies don't bother you so much

...You see the vet more than you see your child's pediatrician.

...You clean a horse's sheath and don't hurl.

...You groom your horse and you haven't been to a beautician in ?

...You patch your mud boots with duct tape and slog through knee deep mud to
get hay to your horse, who has commandered the ONLY dry spot for miles.

...You are totally grossed out by human hair in the sink or tub, but don't
mind horse hair in your washer, on your clothes, in your food...

...You kiss your horse more often than your husbanc or boyfriend, and
enjoy it more.

...You find yourself analyzing leg and foot conformation on your
friends, and thinking how corrective shoeing could improve
their way of going.

... ALL of your pockets have hay in them.

...When you have more pictures of your horses in your office than you have
of your family.

...You can find your boots in the dark by the aroma.

...You drive up in the yard, get out of the car and inhale the perfume
of the manure pile.

...You talk to the horses like they were kids.

...All your stock has 4 legs.

...You chirp to, cluck to or spur your truck/car.

...You don't notice the barn smells on your clothes/shoes and wonder why
"regular" folks are sniffing the air

...Most of your social life is with other horse folk. have a _terrible_ fall off your horse, and your only concern is if the
horse is okay.

...You live with electric fencing tape around the lawn, so the horses can
mow it for you.

...After it snows, the pathway to the manure pile is the first thing that
gets cleared, then the front porch and sidewalk.

...You RUSH to the front window to watch the horses run & buck in the pas-
ture, even if you're in the middle of a meal. Good, clean fun!

...Your first sign of spring isn't see a robin, but seeing a fly of your favorite smells in the world is horse sweat on leather

...You live hand to mouth and somehow come up with the $800 for
emergency vet bills.

...your house is "decorated" with bits, saddles, bridles, halters,
blanket racks, trunks, trophies and ribbons. save every horse magazine you have ever bought drive by ANY field ANYWHERE and look very hard for horses.
This includes trips to foreign countries. feel tired all day at work and then go to the barn and ride 3
horses. teach your sisters how to post on the arm of the couch before their
first riding lesson.

...You longe your dog and she listens to you.

...You do stalls the morning before your labor is to be induced don't have to be asked by your non-horsey family what you want for
Christmas anymore, cuz they now get their own Horse catalogs.

...Your truck looks like a bomb exploded in a tack shop

...Your most prized possession is your saddles (next to the horses of course pass a Marlboro billboard and immediately notice the horse's
color, conformation, possible breed, gait, tack, bit, expression, and
whether or not his mouth is being yanked on; but all you notice about the
cowboy was that it was some guy in a rain slicker.

... you start using baling twine to repair non-horse-related things

AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST................ sprain your ankle and reach for a roll of hot-pink VetRap.

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About Me

My photo
My husband and I live in Fifty Lakes, MN. We own 2 horses, 4 dogs and 2 cats. We LOVE the Up North, Country Farm Life. Wouldn't trade it for anything.

Feb. 14th 2007

Feb. 14th 2007
Happy Valentine's Day!

February Quote

To often we under estimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around

Getting Bigger

Getting Bigger

Number of Vistors to Our Site


Quote for Today

To be interested in the changing seasons is a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with Spring. Right! Jan. 12th 2007 Right! Jan. 12th  2007
I hate this cold and I am SO ready for the warm weather.

New Year"s Resolution

My New Year's Resolution is NOT to make one.

MN Appleton"s Lord Rylee

MN Appleton"s Lord Rylee
Our new baby to the household.....Miniature Pinscher, named Rylee

Quote of the Day...Nov 25th "06

Look back on our struggle for freedom, trace our present day's strength to it's source; And you'll find that man's pathway to glory is strewn with the bones of a horse.

You might be a redneck if......

You consider fast food hitting a deer at 65 MPH



Reeba and Rikee

Reeba and Rikee
Where is that Squirrel??

Quote of the Day

Without leaps of imagination, or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning.
