Monday, January 01, 2007


Happy New Year! Wow it is the year 2007. I still wonder where the time as gone. So, so many things have happened last year. Funny how that sounds since it is only January 1st of the new year.

As I look back I feel that we have had a pretty good year. Some tough decisions came our way but we have managed to work them out and what is so nice is we worked them out together. We are such a team!

I needed some time away and so off I went with Barry in the truck. Drove down to Mississippi and Louisiana. It was so much fun. Felt like the whole world was lifted on my shoulders. There are other reasons why I went but that is another story in itself. Did see the horrible aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Just horrible!!! New Orleans still looked like a Ghost Town.

One thing we did was make a move. The Cabin and the area from where we moved...we loved it so much back there. But we needed our space and the room. Now that we have 4 dogs, 2 cats, the birds AND 6 horses, yes, we needed the room. July 1st was the big day. We had the help of some very good friends and some family...Nicole helped us out by moving all 6 of the horses. They were not very cooperative but the task was done. Couldn't have done without her and her 6 horse trailer. Too many trips with the 'old' 2 horse we have. Jim, Julie, Nathan and Stephanie...Wow! Thank you you so much for the help with the move, cleaning and so on. If it weren't for you guys we would still be trying to get things cleaned and painted. Kris and Crystal...Helping us was awesome. The only thing we regret was not being able to spend some time for fun.

Now for the only disadvantage...this trailer is a dump, we have already had issues with frozen water and pipes, the distance to drive somewhere, etc. There is really no place to do some trail riding whether it is by horseback or 4-wheeler. Oh well, we will make do for I think we may have something else in mind. The property in itself is awesome for the horses. More room and more to eat. We may be doing some future planning. Only time will tell.

Barry and I celebrated the 5th wedding anniversary during the hunting season. Deer Season was not the usual season we see but Barry and I took deer. Barry, also, took a Doe during the Muzzle loader season. I have made some yummy venison jerky out of 100% ground venison. So far no complaints there. We made a purchase of a 4-wheeler. Found a great deal on a 2002 Polaris Sportsman 500 HO. Came with a plow and a winch. So far the plow works great.

A new puppy joined our household. Such a cute one, too. His name is Rylee...a Miniature Pinscher. Earlier in the year we sorta adopted a stray dog. Nobody new her named so we named her Rheeya. Now we have Reeba, Rikee, Rheeya and Rylee. Tell me...Can you see any similarities to their names? Oh yeah...a new kitty, too. Was going to be our first barn kitty but I didn't want him to be the only one outside trying to control the mouse population. So he is inside. We named him Tater. We still have Tipper. So both them can control the mice on the inside.

We had to say goodbye to an old friend...well, it was 6 years old but it was time to say goodbye. So 'Goodbye Dodge truck!' Yes we have traded it had over 160,000 miles on it and needed some serious repairs. We now driving a 2006 Ford F150. And a 4 wheel drive which the Dodge was not. Here is the funny part....Did not even have the truck but for about 9 days and have not even made the first payment and on Christmas Eve we HIT a deer. Did some damage to the front end. We still shake our heads about this, too. We weren't hurt and I think the deer was hurt enough that it moved well into the woods and died. We couldn't even find it. Barry wanted the antlers off it because, yep, it was a Buck and he felt that he deserved the rack for messing up the truck. :-) He was hot on a trail of a Doe. After Xmas Day the truck was off to the body shop and we have it back now. Looks like new again. The only thing that couldn't be put back on was the decal on the left fender that said 'Houston Ford' Oh well!

I guess I will close for now. Can't wait to see what the New Year will bring our way. Never know.. there may be some surprises coming our way for 2007.


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About Me

My photo
My husband and I live in Fifty Lakes, MN. We own 2 horses, 4 dogs and 2 cats. We LOVE the Up North, Country Farm Life. Wouldn't trade it for anything.

Feb. 14th 2007

Feb. 14th 2007
Happy Valentine's Day!

February Quote

To often we under estimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around

Getting Bigger

Getting Bigger

Number of Vistors to Our Site


Quote for Today

To be interested in the changing seasons is a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with Spring. Right! Jan. 12th 2007 Right! Jan. 12th  2007
I hate this cold and I am SO ready for the warm weather.

New Year"s Resolution

My New Year's Resolution is NOT to make one.

MN Appleton"s Lord Rylee

MN Appleton"s Lord Rylee
Our new baby to the household.....Miniature Pinscher, named Rylee

Quote of the Day...Nov 25th "06

Look back on our struggle for freedom, trace our present day's strength to it's source; And you'll find that man's pathway to glory is strewn with the bones of a horse.

You might be a redneck if......

You consider fast food hitting a deer at 65 MPH



Reeba and Rikee

Reeba and Rikee
Where is that Squirrel??

Quote of the Day

Without leaps of imagination, or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning.
