Tuesday, January 16, 2007

More Troops on the way......

When the towers in New York City came crashing down, all of our lives changed forever. Regardless of our individual political views, something had to be done. So we went to Afghanistan, kicked some butt and freed a lot of people from a life of misery at the same time. Sure, Osama is still at large, but war isn't perfect and not all the objectives have been met. We sent the world a message, that said the USA is not going to tolerate attacks on its soil or its people, regardless of where they may be on earth.
Then came our next mission, Iraq. Saddam was allowed to conduct his reign of terror, at times, with even our help, for 30 plus years. There comes a time when murdering dictators have to be dealt with. Iraq was given many chances to abide to the United Nations requirements, which Saddam chose to disregard. Despite the suffering the Iraqi people had to endure for decades, the world and even fellow Arabs, chose to turn the other cheek. So when the USA finally says enough is enough, the world suddenly finds their voice and protests when the USA decides its time to put an end to Saddam's reign of terror. Unfortunately all the publicity gave Saddam plenty of time to hide all the evidence of WMD's, much to the chagrin of all those who said he didn't have any.

So we go to Iraq, kick some more butt and free people from a life of misery. But something is different this time. Insurgents from other Arab countries see a chance to get even. Its a tougher deal now. Did everyone think it was going to be a piece of cake? There comes a time in all wars where things don't always go well for the good guys. Yeah, it sucks. war always has. But what if we said lets pull our troops out of France during WW1....Where would we be now? How about if the invasion at Normandy hadn't gone our way in the end? It might not be the world we have now. As an Army Veteran, I understood and accepted what it meant to be a soldier in the military .It's no different with the men and women who serve here and around the world. They know that when called upon, they'll do whats asked of them. No, they may not like the hours, nor the other sacrifices a soldier in the military has to endure. I was a shade too young to go to Viet Nam, but I would have gone if asked. Because even at 17 years of age, I knew that if we waited around, the enemy would bring the fight to us. So now that its looking like the fighting in Iraq is proving to be more than what most thought it would or should be. A select group starts to whine about bringing the troops home. Everyone is entitled to feel that way...Okay, lets bring them home but here is something to consider before we do that. When we pull all our troops out, without stabilizing Iraq first, we send a message to those who seek to destroy us, that the USA hasn't the stomach to stick with the fight when the going gets tough. That is exactly what our fanatic Islamic enemies want. They know then that when they bring hate here we won't stay the course when it comes to a prolonged fight. Frankly that is what scares me the most. Do we really want to fight the terrorists on our own soil? OR Do we do what we can to keep them at bay by going to their homes instead? Did those that died in the towers, the planes and the Pentagon die in vain? Did the men and women who have died in the past conflicts fight just to have all we have enjoyed because of their sacrifice, go for not? Because some don't have the stomach for the unpleasantness that war brings? Do I like the fact that our troops are having a tough time right now? Of course not. Do I think our losses are trifle? Certainly not. But again as a Veteran and an American, I understand that for us or any other country to have and enjoy a life of freedom, sacrifices are and have to be made. War is and always will be an ugly thing because we live in a world that doesn't always share our ideas of freedom and all that it entails. We have to fight to keep that way of life. Also, it means going to the aid of other countries who would seek the same freedoms. It's our privilege, albeit by the sacrifices of our past and present troops, to protest a war, to lament the losses and to hold those who make the big decisions accountable. But it's also prudent to remember that without sacrifices, all we know now or will ever know will be taken away by those who wish to eradicate us. These enemies aren't interested in peace dialogue. I think I would rather bring the fight to the enemy than have the enemy bring the fight to us.

God Bless America and Thank you to all who serve!!!
Barry Jacobson


Anonymous said...

No debate from me here - I agree with the things you're saying for the most part.

But...I know a little boy and a little girl both having birthdays this spring WITHOUT their Mommies for the SECOND YEAR IN A ROW because their tour in Iraq has been extended. THOSE are the ones I, personally, want to come home.

There is little doubt that our family is going to be affected by the war in Iraq someday soon as the rotations continue, so I'm hurting with the rest of the families at the idea that we could be counting down the days and suddenly have to add 125 more on to our calendar. It's just the yucky, personal part of it all. Politics, schmolitics when your heart and family and friends are in the middle of it, I say. Sacrifices have to be made, yes - easy to do, no.

My 2 cents :)

BarryTerri said...

Hey Thanks for the feedback...We hear ya about the little ones and having their Mommys and Daddys home. We all wish that too. I just found out that My Cousins son is heading to Iraq. Don't know if you remeber the kid that stayed with my folks for a while and almost shot his toe off. He is the one. We still haven't found out if our nephew went or he is still going. We just need to pray that an end is near.

BarryTerri said...

What a dork...I forgot the other "m" in remember

About Me

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My husband and I live in Fifty Lakes, MN. We own 2 horses, 4 dogs and 2 cats. We LOVE the Up North, Country Farm Life. Wouldn't trade it for anything.

Feb. 14th 2007

Feb. 14th 2007
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February Quote

To often we under estimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around

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Number of Vistors to Our Site


Quote for Today

To be interested in the changing seasons is a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with Spring.

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Brrrrr....is Right! Jan. 12th  2007
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MN Appleton"s Lord Rylee
Our new baby to the household.....Miniature Pinscher, named Rylee

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Look back on our struggle for freedom, trace our present day's strength to it's source; And you'll find that man's pathway to glory is strewn with the bones of a horse.

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